Inspections for Company Canteens and Cafeterias
Benefits of Hygiene Audits
Company canteens and cafeterias are an essential part of many workplaces, providing employees with a convenient and affordable option for meals during the workday. However, it is the company’s responsibility to ensure the safety of its workers as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. This includes maintaining high hygiene standards in canteens and cafeterias to promote the health and well-being of employees.
Preventing Foodborne Illness
Implementing a hygiene audit system in company canteens not only helps improve food safety but also addresses the potential risks and hazards that could affect worker safety. For example, cross-contamination, improper food storage, or inadequate cleaning practices can not only lead to foodborne illnesses but also pose risks to the physical safety of employees.
Ensures Regulatory Compliance
The audit also entails regulatory compliance. For example, in South Africa, we have Regulations R638 of 2018, which details the requirements for food premises. Having an independent auditor coming to the site to do an audit may assist in ensuring that the canteen or cafeteria complies with the basic regulatory requirements.
This could range from effective pest control, effective personnel hygiene and facility hygiene, waste control and temperature control. If all these are effectively implemented, this can reduce the likelihood of foodborne illnesses.